Wilton Youth Baseball fall ball program Sept. 12 to Oct. 24

Wilton Youth Baseball will be running a FALL BALL program on Saturdays beginning September 12th through October 24th. There will be skills clinics for our T-ball and Rookie level players and games for Minor and Major level players. Practicing or scrimmages during the week will be left to the discretion of the coach. A fall ball season is primarily an instructional season with the emphasis on developing baseball techniques without the pressure of winning.
WYB will need coaches/volunteers for the T-ball and Rookie skills clinics, along with coaches for the teams in the Minors and Majors. Coaches/parents will umpire the Minor and Major games.
If your son/daughter is interested in playing fall ball travel, please indicate that on the registration form. Once details have been provided by the Cal Ripken Baseball organization, the details will be forwarded to those players who are interested in playing fall travel.
The completed registration form and registration payment can be mailed to WYB, P.O. Box 2269, Wilton, NY 12831 or dropped off in the office at Gavin Park. There is a drop box specifically for WYB. Registration deadline for the fall ball season is Monday, August 20th. Registration have to be received by this date so that uniforms can be ordered and received by the first day of clinics and games.
If you have any additional questions on fall ball, or Wilton Youth Baseball, please contact Mike Herman at michaelherman@amesgoldsmith.com.
Labels: Baseball, Youth Sports
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